Projekt mowa is a blog app. The website is mainly designed to boost logopedy and radio voice practice business. The client wanted warm colors, clean and minimal layout. I have decided on a rather standard layout blog collection main landing page, with some soft white touches and orange accents. Typography and article layout optimized for content delivery, with Roboto as the main body font and Playfair Display for accented messages.
Roboto Bold
Roboto Normal
Roboto Light
Playfair Display Bold
Playfair Display Normal
Heading H1
Heading H2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent suscipit tortor velit, non posuere leo hendrerit sit amet. Sed purus felis, blandit ac tristique id, consequat at purus. Nulla eget dignissim erat, eget suscipit velit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur nec laoreet tellus, vitae convallis eros. Morbi accumsan libero vitae venenatis vestibulum. Proin blandit scelerisque nisl eu sagittis.

Projekt Mowa app was fully customized build based on standard Gatsby stater template.
App written in React framework with NetlifyCMS which provides all the common rich text editing and still enables the website to use the
jam stack technology. Front end theme was based on bulma.css project
This static web app is also equipped with service worker making in a fully downloadable app on the android phones (Progressive Web App). Website was deployed via Netlify service.