Jan Śpiewak, was 2018 independant mayor candidate for the city of Warsaw. Promotional website, micorpayments and blog.
In 2018 I was approched by Jan Śpiewak in order to help him organize and run his internet campaign. Although he came in 3rd place, this website was a quite a success helping him raise many funds for the campaign itself and accumulating over 100 000 views over the course of 2 months.
Jan is an enthusiast of new technologies, he was every keen on using the latest tech for his personal webiste, therefore gatsby.js was a perfect match for him. Equipped with PWA (proggressive web application) and ability to store its content offline we made sure that anyone who wanted to read about his Ideas for a better future will not be sidetracked by any website speed or technical difficulties. Webiste was equipped with NetlifyCMS as its backend content menagment system.
One of the better and cheaper way to host your new modern web apps these days is netlify.com. A cloud based hosting provider that lets you use their servers for free if the monthly vistor limit is beyond 100 000.
spaceout.pl work quite intesive on this website, as I was responsible for the main design. The idea was to bring something clean and famillar to the possible voters, therefore the material design was implemented. It gives that clean google like view that helps the users focus on the texts. Works also included custom payment slider for contribution payments, integration with payment providers, building quite few other custom elements.
For now the website is dorment as the elections are going to be held in 2022, but if you read polish you can look out for new blog entries from Jan.