One of my assiocates, Piotr Gozdowski, reporter, seo content writer and editor have approched me, to design a ghost.js template for his personal blog. He has agreed to open source this template to public. “Gozdowski theme”, dark theme build upon the official casper template. You can check out his progress and theme at https://gozdowskionline.pl The original minimalistic casper theme was already build for reading. I have decided to go for the dark theme and change the typograghy for more “newspaper” fashion. I am very pleased with the final design, esspcially for mobile.
Oswald Bold
Oswald Normal
Oswald Light
Raleway, sans-serif Bold
Raleway, sans-serif Normal
Heading H1
Heading H2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent suscipit tortor velit, non posuere leo hendrerit sit amet. Sed purus felis, blandit ac tristique id, consequat at purus. Nulla eget dignissim erat, eget suscipit velit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur nec laoreet tellus, vitae convallis eros. Morbi accumsan libero vitae venenatis vestibulum. Proin blandit scelerisque nisl eu sagittis.
Ghost.js is one of best CMS platforms out there in my humble opinion. Fully build upon node.js engine, it is way more preforming than the good old wordpress platform. Ghost.js lacks the vast wordpress eco system, however it holds all the needed features to run a professional blog or even media publishing website.
One of advantages of the ghost.js platform is its solid, beautiful and simple ui, publishing options and team editorial functions. It has a great built in SEO support and image optimization features, that lets the writers really focus on their posts. Especially great for publishing houses, as ghost js implements AMP (accelerated mobile pages) project on all the posts.
Gozdowski theme was based on casper 2.0 official theme, customized with hero slider, dark theme, custom mobile menu and header and other various tweaks. Theme is open sourced and free of charge.
Demo: https://gozdowskitheme.spaceout.pl/